Corporate Performance Program

Increase Job Performance and Workplace Morale

Breath Control for Corporate Performance is a sustainable program providing evidence based results validated by medical and scientific research.

Our Corporate Performance program has been designed to invigorate career-oriented individuals, leadership teams, executives, businesses and organizations who want to be successful and healthy; both physically, mentally and spiritually.

Functional breathing exercises and mindfulness meditation for stress relief

We offer corporations a time-efficient way to ignite a spark in their employees and have them acquire tools and skills to effectively cope with stress and improve workplace performance. Our Corporate Breath Control workshop is perfect for staff development and team building, The workshop also teaches mindfulness meditation, imagery, visualization and concentration techniques that increase energy, and build morale. Bringing controlled functional breathing exercises and breath-holding techniques inside the office gives participants an opportunity to let go of their own daily stress, maintain grounding and as a result, reconnect them to themselves, helping them reach their highest potential and peak performance.

Remedy anxiety, sleep dysfunction and workplace burnout

Our breathwork program was developed to integrate strategic in-office exercises, functional breathing patterns, strengthening and flexibility routines and breath-holding techniques to remedy anxiety, sleep dysfunction and workplace burnout (see Corporate Resilience page).

A workforce of mentally and physically healthy and inspired employees will result in a superior working environment with passion for the job, more focused workers who provide quicker and better results, loyalty, and markedly higher employee retention rates.

Breath Control teaches participants conscious functional breathing patterns that optimize ventilation, increases lung capacity, improves flexibility and strengthens your diaphragm and respiratory muscles. Upon identifying their own dysfunctional breathing patterns participants will begin to witness immediate benefits from the breathing exercises and techniques.


  • Reduce stress, anxiety, and depression
  • Increase creativity
  • Strengthen immune system
  • Enhances communication to strengthen relationships
  • Strengthens positivity, motivation and morale
  • Increase performance, higher energy and decrease fatigue
  • Reduce back pain and digestive problems
  • Improve memory, focus, and concentration
  • Sharpen focus
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Create emotional balance
  • Balances temperaments
  • Improve sleeping patterns
  • Increases ability to think outside of the box for unique problem solving


  • Improve employee retention
  • Increase productivity
  • Promotes workplace community collaboration
  • Decrease health care premiums
  • Reduce employee absenteeism and injury
  • Reduce workplace burnout (see Corporate Resilience)
  • Augment job satisfaction

The Corporate Breath Control workshop is an opportunity for companies and organizations to:

  • Avoid retraining, staffing issues and cost associated with stress leave anddisability claims.
  • Energize employees, increase staff productivity and maintain a positive work
  • Boost staff morale promote team building and insight individual leadership

Breath Control Workshop – healthier employees, higher profits and boosted morale

To facilitate the workshop we will need a room big enough to allow for all participants to lay on the floor comfortably with space at the side to stand with an arms reach distance. Each participant will require their own yoga mat or blanket.

Before the breathing begins we will guide you through the process and explain the physical, emotional and even spiritual elements of our program.  

We will lecture on anatomy, physiology, neurology of breathing as well as positive psychology (Flow) so the participant understand the proven medical science behind our successful breathing techniques. We will present an interactive instruction in breathing exercises, breath holding techniques and an energizing and invigorating “active” meditation breathing practice.

Our workshop includes visual aids, exercise equipment, medical display devices and handouts. Comfortable clothes that allow for free movement are recommended, gym clothes are not required.  Eye masks are optional but highly suggested as it is easier to tune out distractions.

The most important thing to bring is an open mind and the willingness to show up and breathe.

Pricing may vary (plus expenses Airfare, Hotel, Meals etc.) depending on what is required and how many people my be participating.

Workshop format options range from a clinic to a workshop or a one to two day retreat in North America or internationally.

For more details please visit our Corporate and Clinical Resilience page and for booking information call 1-250-667-7722 or fill out the form on our Begin Breathing page.

We are readily available by phone and email for any additional support after the workshop related to stress, anxiety, depression, insomnia or workplace burnout. Workshop participants can expect to experience both immediate and delayed, lasting positive results.

“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments in comfort, but where he stand at time of challenge and controversy.”

– Martin Luther King Jr.

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